Creighton is a Jesuit university, rooted in the Catholic tradition. At Creighton we live this missionand are guided by our identity. Because we are Catholic, we approach education with a passion for learning and a zeal for making a difference in our world. In the Catholic intellectual tradition, we celebrate our diversity, we learn through dialogue, and we pursue the truth in all its forms. As a Jesuit university we are continually bringing the richness of a 450 year old educational tradition to bear on the most contemporary issues of our world. Our Jesuit vision commits us to form women and men of competence, conscience and compassion who have learned from reflecting upon their experiences of being for and with others. We do this in service of a faith that does justice.
Acum comentarii: Pai au iezuitii de la Creighton de toate, de la A la Z, adica te pot(i) scolii in absolut orice. Chiar si in miscarea ecumenica, de unire a tuturor religiilor, sunt implicati. Dialog inter-religios, asa ii spune (sic!). Dar tot ei, maestrii inselaciunii, sunt implicati si in sectorul militar si intelligence. ARMY ROTC. Sub "umbrela" patriotismului.
"Army ROTC provides individuals with the tools, training and experiences they need to become Officers in the U.S. Army."
Asa se face ca "marii" oameni politici si militari ai USA, trec fie pe la Creighton, Georgetown sau alte "institutii" bine acoperite. Adica, America de astazi, mai are ceva de a face cu ideiile si nazuintele "parintilor fondatori"?
Uite ce spune un diplomat cu tupeu:
"Eu cred ca Statele Unite, ca singura supra-putere mondiala, si Sfantul Scaun, ca singura autoritate moral-politica pe intregul pamant, au roluri importante de jucat in viitor. Actiunile lor vor avea IMPACT in viata oamenilor din toate partile planetei"
(Melady, The Ambassador's Story, The United States and the Vatican in World Affairs, p.42,43)
Thomas P. Melady, ambasador oficial SUA la Vatican, din 1989-1993.
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